About Us

Life Healing Community

When Creator gave us this mission and told us there was a place to build this community of healers and visitors, I wondered how I would ever find the land that He had in mind. It was really an act of faith to follow His guidance and locate this place out of all of the US. It is quite a story in itself how Creator led us to this place. And when we found it we saw the angels and guides all coming forward to greet us and welcome us. But what I didn't expect at all was that Creator had chosen a sacred site, a holy piece of land, a place that has its own healing power. No one has ever lived on this property before, it is virgin and it is in a forest of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. I see that everyone who visits this sacred site receives a healing. Not through a person but through the holy place itself. We are becoming aware of the spirit that is there, of the healing power that Creator has put on this land Himself. We are discovering that it is sacred like Sedona, like Mount Shasta, like Fatima or Lourdes and has been a sacred healing site for thousands of years!

How often do we have the chance to develop a sacred site, to create facilities around a sacred site for visitors? How often do we get the chance to build buildings and housing and conference rooms and labyrinths and meditation huts and medicine wheels around a sacred site?

My mission here is to be the anchor. To recognize the sacredness here to create a community of people to work here and support the healing that Creator intends for all the world here. When the work is done I hope to be just one of the people who lives here offering teaching in Shamanism, guidance, counseling and support in my own little way. I am so honored to be part of this incredible sacred place.

Shaman Elder Maggie